Make this 6-steps easy and yummy Colombian cookie recipe with our 100 % Arabica-Castilla coffee.
Ingredients you'll need:
150 grams of butter room temperature
250 grams of wheat flour
3/4 cup powdered panela
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons of Dark Roast Roots of Colombia Coffee diluted in 1 tablespoon of warm water

6 -Steps recipe:
Mix and integrate the panela and butter well.
Add the yolks and stir well.
Add the coffee and flour in small amounts to integrate all the dough well until it is compact.
Cover in plastic wrap and leave in the fridge for 1 hour.
Flour a surface and roll out the dough to the desired thickness and cut the cookie design.
Transfer them to a greased mold with a preheated 150ºC oven and leave to bake until the edges are golden brown. It does not take long max 15 min. Therefore, be very vigilant so that they do not burn.
If your try this recipe take a picture and share it on your social media tagging Roots Of Colombia Coffee and #IdrinkROCC.
We are looking forward to your yummy coffee cookie pics!
